Sunday, December 16, 2012

I can write, I swear

“Where the fuck am I going with any of this?” This is the question that remains constant. I am writing this statement, a failed blog left behind and a new one to start. How do I use and where will I take it? Will I be selfish when I ask you to guide me on this writing expedition? Are you here for amusement or are you here to direct me in this forum?
It’s been suggested to me that in order to be a writer, I need to actually write. Well shit, here goes. I am a writer. I rant and I cry as I type some words on a page. I bitch about my problems, and whine about my weight. I am a writer, because my fingers can pound a keyboard and complete a sentence. I am a writer because I own a computer and I use Microsoft word. I am a writer because my boyfriend bought me a set of red German notebooks and a fancy pen. I am a writer because I have a lot of shit to say.
 I am not published, and I am many times rejected. But I am a writer. I am here to amuse you, and use you. And maybe, after sticking to this, after publishing a blog or two, maybe I will get the hang of this. And then maybe, you too will call me a writer.
What are you, and why are you here?


  1. this is one of my favorite posts of yours.

    I'm a writer too ;) nice to meet you

    1. Awwww thanks! The time has come for me to do less talking and more writing.

      Nice to meet you too fellow writer!

  2. You are a writer because you have a lived a life that has catapulted you from one emotion to another, sometimes mercilessly, sometimes landing in situations that could be perceived as unfortunate and tragic other times as miraculous and wondrous. Through it all you get back up and manage to see the wonder. You are a writer because you have a story to tell. Be brave and tell it! Good luck.
